Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dear Mr. President.

I read with curiosity your Labor Day speech in Ohio yesterday and one thing stood out to me.

You said,
"That's why we passed an unprecedented Recovery Act, and we did it without the usual Washington earmarks and pork-barrel spending."
Sir, I beg to differ. There is virtually no one outside of Washington DC who does not know that the Recovery Act is nothing more than a conglomeration of 9000 pork projects that would have been earmarks, except the congressional crisis made it unnecessary to go that route.

Please sir, for the good of this Great Country, be careful with your words. There are many out there who want you to fail and your repeating falsehoods written for you by others only encourages them.

Thank you for your support.

Sent Tuesday, September 8th, 2009, 12:30.