Saturday, May 30, 2009

Black Panthers for Self Defense, or What?

5/30/2009, 4:03 PM

Dear Mr. President.

The Justice Department’s Attorney General, Jay Holder, has refused to bring 3 members of the Black Panthers Gang to justice, this after the court had entered a judgment against them (April 20, 2009), by dismissing the charges.

These men were recorded on video intimidating voters with threats and racial slurs while blocking access to polling places wearing some quasi-military uniforms and carrying & brandishing weapons, on Election Day in 2008. Reports say that they gained access to the polling place using Democratic poll watcher credentials. The video shows them in clear violation of the Voter Rights Act of 1965 (using coercion, threats and intimidation).

Is this apparent disregard for the law the “real change” you campaigned on? It just seems to me that the president should be ensuring that everyone (black, white, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Democrat, Republican, etc.) should receive equal treatment under the law.

By protecting these criminals, you are displaying the exact behavior that you campaigned against and it encourages more of the same behavior. Moreover, I seem to remember the oath of office including something about defending the US Constitution. This incident does not go against that oath?

This, along with continued attempts to bankrupt this country by quadrupling deficit spending, destroying the automobile industry, the banking/investment/credit industry, health care, losing millions of jobs and the ability of Americans to better ourselves, I have to guess that there is a lot of buyer’s remorse going on in among some American voters. These pseudo-pardons will continue your sinking approval ratings.

Mr. President, do we still have a representative democracy in America, or are we being “ruled”, as the Black Panthers claim?

Thank you for your support

Note: Links added for clarity and reference.

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