Friday, October 2, 2009

Afghanistan: Obama's Vietnam?

Note: The President is saying he needs time to respond to his General's request for 40,000 more troops, citing a need for a clear policy. But he stated his Afghanistan policy during his campaign and again last March after he was sworn is as President; Win the "right" war.

Dear Mr. President.

I’m seeing a repeat of history in the Afghanistan situation that could turn it into your personal Vietnam.

In Vietnam, the President did not allow the military to do those things that would result in a fast and overwhelming victory. Instead, it was allowed to drag along until the political will to win vanished along with the lives of over 50,000 US men and women soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen.

Your Generals have it right; more troops are needed in Afghanistan to bring it to an end with victory for the Afghan people.

A force that cannot hold real estate they take due to a shortage of fighting men and women will fight a circular war. One where terrorists are forced out in one area only to have it re-taken by them when our troops move on to another area without leaving a sufficient force to hold the land; A repeat of the situation that existed in Iraq, where terrorists were removed from cities, such as Fallujah, only to return. We were fighting for the same real estate over and over again. Not only does this prolong the war, but it puts more of troops at risk and promises that there will be no end in sight.

Mr. President, do not wait for the bodies of American service men and women to pile up as happened in Vietnam. Give the Generals what they need and instruct them to win the peace.

Thank you for your service.

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