March 24th, 2010, 12:55 PM
Ref: Israeli homes construction
Dear Mr. President
I find the caterwauling by this administration concerning Israeli "settlements" in Israel to be offensive and harmful to our nation.
It is necessary to understand that the announced construction plans were to build apartments in an existing Jewish neighborhood, in a predominantly Jewish section of Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. How that translates as a "new settlement" is beyond me. The issue seems to be fear of Israel expanding into Palestinian territories. Most intelligent Americans see that it does nothing of the sort. This would be a non-issue except for the ongoing statements to the media by your staff and the Secretary of State.
The Vice President's attitude towards the unplanned announcement looks very much like a diversion to his insulting 90 minute late arrival to a meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu. The coinciding announcement by a low level administrator had nothing to do with the Vice President’s visit. As far as I'm concerned, the prime minister’s apology was altogether unnecessary.
If there are apologies due, they would be from us to the Israelis for causing such a stir that resulted from an uninformed knee-jerk reaction.
This is a continuation of the unwarranted animus towards Israel displays a curious disregard for another of our allies in this trying world. The record is now clear that we are alienating our friends while coddling those regimes that will never be friendly towards the United States and even call for our destruction. I have no doubt that at some point, this approach will come back to haunt the American people in very deadly ways.
Mr. President, those who are advising you on this and other foreign affairs need to find an occupation where they will less dangerous to Americans. It is very obvious that they have little concern for international relations while ignoring the history of our interaction with other nations.
Thank you for your support.
Sincerely yours
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