Monday, August 15, 2011

Shared Sacrifice: You too Mr. President

Dear Mr. President.

In your July 17th Weekly Radio address, you asked for shared sacrifice calling on the “wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share”.

I agree, we should ask the wealthiest Americans to sacrifice some of their vast wealth. To this end I make the following recommendation; One that lowers the government’s domestic obligations while being very popular among average Americans.

Cut your pay by ten percent.

That’s right: lowering you pay will have a direct one for one, dollar for dollar, reduction in deficit spending.

It would show the people that you are willing to personally participate in the shared sacrifice. It would also put you in an excellent position to influence the US Congress to lower their salaries as well.

Start a movement of shared sacrifice across the country.

This is just my suggestion to help our country out of worsening situation.

Thank you for your support.