Friday, December 18, 2009

Navy SEALs: Drop the Charges

Dear Mr. President,

It seems that political correctness has taken over and has resulted in three US Navy Seals being court marshaled for doing their duty. The charge appears to be based on the word of one terrorist against the word of 3 of America’s finest.

As Commander in Chief of all US armed forces, you are charged with being the leader. As all military leaders know, the priorities are mission first, then looking out for the men and women who volunteer to forgo some of their inalienable rights to protect all of our rights in this greatest nation.

Our brave, selfless soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen, are watching this situation and it could have a significant negative effect on morale. This an excellent reason to put a stop to the proceedings. As Commander in Chief, you have the authority to stop it.

Note that many media outlets are reporting that the U.S. Congress is taking the lead in ending this show trial. Their actions may leave you to appear lacking in the leadership required to be Commander in Chief. This will undermine your authority and reduce your presidency to that of just another politician who allows events to lead them, instead of the other way around.

I recommend that you quietly call off the courts marshal and display the leadership we all know is within you.

Thank you for your support

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Recession is Over, Return $677 Billion of the Stimulus

Dear Mr. President,

It was reported today that 80% of economists are saying the recession is over. This is great news. It seems that the unspent remainder of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, $677 Billion (, can be returned to general fund as it is no longer necessary.

Repealing the remainder of this spending would have many beneficial consequences. It would reduce the national debt and dependence on foreign investors, make the US Dollar stronger, reduce the burden on our children's children, and free up funding for health care reform.

I urge you to influence congress to modify the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and return the balance to the treasury.

Thank you for your service.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize 2009: Congratulations, Mr. President.

Reference: The Nobel Peace Prize 2009

Dear Mr. President.

Congratulations on receiving the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. This is sure to improve the respect of the European Union member states and others have towards the United States.

But many, including you, are speculating on what exactly you have accomplished to be deserving of such an honor. Well, wonder no further because unlike Saturday Night Live's 'no accomplishments' skit, I believe I have the answer. Your accomplishments to date include:

Devaluing the US Dollar with stimulus and bailouts; this, along with allowing Fannie and Freddie to melt down while you were a senator made all foreign currencies worth more. You have accomplished something all envious countries could not do. Even now reports are that a second stimulus package may be in the works. That will ingratiate them to you even more.

Then there are the repeated and continuing apology tours. There is nothing the pacifists and socialists appreciate more than blaming America for all of their troubles, as opposed to blaming themselves and their own policies. You legitimize their delusion and therefore, you are to be praised and honored by them. Recall that the Nobel Peace Prize was created as an apology for creating a weapon of mass destruction. It all syncs and makes sense now.

So, there you have it. You have been honored for real accomplishments that can be seen and felt by everyone. It is no wonder that the pacifists that populate the prize committee would choose you to honor.

Thank you for your service.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Afghanistan: Obama's Vietnam?

Note: The President is saying he needs time to respond to his General's request for 40,000 more troops, citing a need for a clear policy. But he stated his Afghanistan policy during his campaign and again last March after he was sworn is as President; Win the "right" war.

Dear Mr. President.

I’m seeing a repeat of history in the Afghanistan situation that could turn it into your personal Vietnam.

In Vietnam, the President did not allow the military to do those things that would result in a fast and overwhelming victory. Instead, it was allowed to drag along until the political will to win vanished along with the lives of over 50,000 US men and women soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen.

Your Generals have it right; more troops are needed in Afghanistan to bring it to an end with victory for the Afghan people.

A force that cannot hold real estate they take due to a shortage of fighting men and women will fight a circular war. One where terrorists are forced out in one area only to have it re-taken by them when our troops move on to another area without leaving a sufficient force to hold the land; A repeat of the situation that existed in Iraq, where terrorists were removed from cities, such as Fallujah, only to return. We were fighting for the same real estate over and over again. Not only does this prolong the war, but it puts more of troops at risk and promises that there will be no end in sight.

Mr. President, do not wait for the bodies of American service men and women to pile up as happened in Vietnam. Give the Generals what they need and instruct them to win the peace.

Thank you for your service.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dear Mr. President.

I read with curiosity your Labor Day speech in Ohio yesterday and one thing stood out to me.

You said,
"That's why we passed an unprecedented Recovery Act, and we did it without the usual Washington earmarks and pork-barrel spending."
Sir, I beg to differ. There is virtually no one outside of Washington DC who does not know that the Recovery Act is nothing more than a conglomeration of 9000 pork projects that would have been earmarks, except the congressional crisis made it unnecessary to go that route.

Please sir, for the good of this Great Country, be careful with your words. There are many out there who want you to fail and your repeating falsehoods written for you by others only encourages them.

Thank you for your support.

Sent Tuesday, September 8th, 2009, 12:30.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

His Name is Private William A. Long

6/4/2009, 2:57 PM

Dear Mr. President

It appears you now have your first terrorists attack within the borders of the United States of America.

His name is Private William A. Long, age 23, from Conway, Arkansas, and he is another casualty of the war on terror. His family will morn their loss and miss him. PVT Long was standing in front of the US Army Recruiter’s office in Little Rock, Arkansas when a Muslim terrorist murdered him three days ago.

There is a very troubling aspect to this tragic and wholly unnecessary event. You, as Commander in Chief could not find time in your busy day to make any public comment on this tragedy. It has been 3 days since he was cut down in early adulthood and you have not found the time or the will to say anything about it.

The reason this is so troubling is because you did find time, within hours, to express your distaste for the “heinous act of violence” against an abortionist who also was tragically murdered.

I believe you have allowed liberal partisan politics to cloud your judgment. Who is more worthy of the attention of the President of the United States, an abortionist or a US Soldier? Which one works for you, for all of us, and which one worked for himself?

The answer is clear to responsible Americans. Moreover, our military personnel are witnessing your priorities.

Thank you for your Support.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Now That We Own General Motors and Chrysler...

6/03/2009 2:10 PM

Dear Mr. President

Now that we taxpayers own General Motors and Chrysler, I have a few questions.

Can we order them keep the Pontiac line? I have always liked Pontiacs, starting with my first, a 1961 Pontiac Catalina that I modified with a 421 C.U. V8, with trips (3 two barrel carburetors) and a 4 speed. I always wanted a 1964 GTO; but it was always out of my reach.

Do you think we could get Pontiac to make a retro-version of the GTO that looks similar to the 1964 model? After all, just recall what the retro-Thunderbird did for Ford. They did not need bailout money.

The next question is about company benefits. Do you think the rest American people could receive similar benefits to the ones UAW members are getting? I especially like the benefit I witnessed from a friend’s step-father who worked at the Cleveland Ford Motor Company on Brook Park Road. My friend’s father would take an entire month off to drink beer and still get paid at rate that was 95% of his regular salary. Sweet!

Maybe you could fix health care in America, one of your priorities I’ve heard, by giving Americans the UAW style health care insurance. That’s it! That’s the answer to universal health care! We could also fix Social Security with a UAW style pension plan. Why didn’t I think of this before? Since we have given part of the automakers ownership to Canada, maybe we could get some of their health care insurance as well.

Would we be able to get special employee discounts on GM vehicles? I would really like to know this one because my Chevy truck has over 70,000 miles on it and I’m thinking it’s time for a new one. Its mileage has dropped from 21 MPG to 17 MPG on the highway, which I drive 56 miles each day. Oh wait, that drop may be due to the mandated ethanol in the regular unleaded I use.

Lastly, I want to thank you, Mr. President, for finally putting those mean old profiteering car makers out of business. Who knows what kind of gas guzzlers they would come out with next?

Thank you for your support

Note: Links to information provided for clarity.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Black Panthers for Self Defense, or What?

5/30/2009, 4:03 PM

Dear Mr. President.

The Justice Department’s Attorney General, Jay Holder, has refused to bring 3 members of the Black Panthers Gang to justice, this after the court had entered a judgment against them (April 20, 2009), by dismissing the charges.

These men were recorded on video intimidating voters with threats and racial slurs while blocking access to polling places wearing some quasi-military uniforms and carrying & brandishing weapons, on Election Day in 2008. Reports say that they gained access to the polling place using Democratic poll watcher credentials. The video shows them in clear violation of the Voter Rights Act of 1965 (using coercion, threats and intimidation).

Is this apparent disregard for the law the “real change” you campaigned on? It just seems to me that the president should be ensuring that everyone (black, white, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Democrat, Republican, etc.) should receive equal treatment under the law.

By protecting these criminals, you are displaying the exact behavior that you campaigned against and it encourages more of the same behavior. Moreover, I seem to remember the oath of office including something about defending the US Constitution. This incident does not go against that oath?

This, along with continued attempts to bankrupt this country by quadrupling deficit spending, destroying the automobile industry, the banking/investment/credit industry, health care, losing millions of jobs and the ability of Americans to better ourselves, I have to guess that there is a lot of buyer’s remorse going on in among some American voters. These pseudo-pardons will continue your sinking approval ratings.

Mr. President, do we still have a representative democracy in America, or are we being “ruled”, as the Black Panthers claim?

Thank you for your support

Note: Links added for clarity and reference.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp is Not a Rallying Point to Recruit Terrorists

5/21/2009 9:04 PM

Dear Mr. President.

Today’s speech did not give me confidence in your ability to defend this nation. The whole Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp (GBDC) issue should have been just another minor campaign promise that was overlooked. Instead, it’s front page news for weeks on end and overshadowing real issues.

Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp is not a rallying point to recruit terrorists, as has been proffered. No, but successful attacks are their rallying points. Closing GBDC will serve no purpose other than to satisfy those who do not know better.

You should know better.

Also, while waterboarding is an extremely unpleasant experience it pails in comparison to having your head hacked head off, being killed or wounded by exploding roadside bombs, being a passenger in a plane flown into a building, blowing up business offices or strapping bombs to your children in the hopes that they will die along with someone you hate. Someone you hate for no good reason.

We cannot release the detainees at GBDC as they have insisted their intention to kill Americans should they be released. Released from GBDC, or any other country that should change their mind and take custody of any of them.

The only right answer to the future of the detainees at Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp is to declare them to be prisoners of war (PW). Declaring them to be PWs would be justified and would allow you to hold them until the war ends. No trials, no torture, just hold them. That way, they stay alive and live better than have ever known before. It’s very humane.

One good thing has come for your position on GBDC. The US Congress is united. It is a shame that they are united against you while your popularity drops.

Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Prosecuting CIA interrogators

4/21/2009 6:19 PM

Dear Mr. President.

I am saddened to see that you've given in to partisan hate and reverse your decision not to prosecute CIA interrogators for perceived illegal actions.

Not only will this decision hamstring your ability to protect this country, it reveals your preference to appease the left leaning fringe.

It will further divide the country.

Thank you for your support.